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我们的学生项目, 校园Connext, 给在校生, 像你这样的, the opportunity to gain invaluable exposure to some of our most exciting and unique projects across the globe.

Define your place and discover your future with IBI Group.

比如有动机的, 热情的, 协作, 独立的, 愿意学习,积极主动, 描述一下我们理想的学生候选人. 听起来像你? 继续阅读.

我们的学生项目, 校园Connext, 给在校生, 像你这样的, the opportunity to gain invaluable exposure to some of our most exciting and unique projects across the globe.

During your co-op term or internship at one of our 37 office locations across North America, you will hit the ground running right from day one with opportunities to learn and contribute to real projects.


  • Work with, and learn from, industry leading professionals
  • Play an integral role in projects, including attending client meetings
  • Be treated like any other member of your team; not “just a student”
  • Be given as much responsibility as you show us you can handle
  • 与同学建立联系
  • Opportunity to participate in our student mentorship program and be paired with one of our professionals
  • Opportunity for part time work during the school year


  • The opportunity to meet, work with, and learn from, some of the best and brightest students
  • For our professionals to benefit from fresh and innovative ideas
  • To create future talent – hiring our past students as full time employees after graduation is our main goal


  • Must be currently enroled in an accredited university or college co-op or internship program related to one of our core disciplines
    • 合作社:通常是四个月或八个月的工作期限
    • 实习:为期12- 16个月
  • Must be returning to school after the work term or immediately graduating (e.g. 工作期限五月结束,六月毕业)
  • Must be looking to start a co-op term or internship in January, May or September
  • Must be available for a minimum four-month work term
  • Co-op terms and internship applications are posted on the IBI 职业生涯 page and on your school job boards three to four months in advance of the start of the work term (work terms start at the beginning of January, 五月及九月).
  • Once your application is received, it will be reviewed by the 校园Connext team. From there, we will reach out to candidates about interviews; either by phone, Skype or in-person.
  • 如果你是成功的候选人, a member of our team will reach out to discuss the details of your offer. We will be available to answer any questions you may have.

What happens once you’ve accepted an offer to join IBI Group? This is where our student on-boarding process begins. This starts with an interactive orientation session where you will meet fellow students, 了解更多关于公司的信息, and get ready to… Define your place and discover your future!

多样性,包容 & 归属奖学金计划

在AG平台, we are dedicated to identifying and creating opportunities to build on and strengthen the diverse mix of experience, 技能, 以及我们公司的背景.


